6 Simple Ways to be Intentional in Marriage

6 Simple Ways to be Intentional in Marriage

Marriage is a lifelong commitment. Filled with highs and lows. Staying happily married is hard work.

No marriage can go on without problems or conflict. Unless both spouses choose to silence their own voice in order to avoid conflict.

When you put two people under one roof, there will always be some kind of conflict. It may not be a fight but there is going to be disagreements - that's natural.

Let alone when those two people decide to procreate. Having children can make it difficult to maintain a relationship with your spouse. Not to mention the addition of maintaining a household and working.

I personally believe our life priorities should be God, marriage, children, and then everything else. But how do you execute that on a daily basis?

Well ultimately it is up to you. When it comes to your marriage being intentional is important to maintaining your connection.

6 Simple Ways to be Intentional in Marriage

  1. Finding ways to spend quality time together.
  2. Talking with one another.
  3. Collaborating with one another on the finances, parenting, and household decisions.
  4. Compromising to solve issues that arise.
  5. Loving on one another - even when your upset.
  6. Finding hobbies to do together.
  7. Fight fair. Don't raise your voice or belittle one another.

It all boils down to this simple question. How can we keep the spark going? Keep that question at the forefront of your mind and acting accordingly.

Remember that spark you felt when you first met. Remind yourself of those early on relationship experiences that make you smile.

No matter what you go through as a couple. Chemistry doesn't dissolve. It may fizzle out. But it's always there. It just needs a little spark to be reignited.

Don't allow a temporary situation to cause you to forget the reason you said I do.

Download your 30 Day Marriage Challenge - filled with conservation starters and things to do - now! #stayingmarried

If you enjoy this post, you may find these Marriage blog post helpful when it comes to using the bible as a instruction manual for marriage.

One of the messages I receive most often is prayer request for Marriage. I absolutely love that you trust me enough to ask me to pray for you and will continue to do so. I hope you will extend me the same favor. I wanted to share 4 prayers that you can speak over your marriage


Dear Heavenly Father, please help my marriage to be deeply rooted and established in love. In times of trials and tribulation help us to find love as pure as the love we have in you. Give us the wisdom to understand how deeply you love us, so that we may better love one another. In Jesus name we pray Amen.


Dear Heavenly Father,  in times of uncertainty and weariness, enlarge our faith to believe in you. Knowing that you will provide for our every need. Help us to remember and believe in the promises and power of your word. Allow us to encourage one another faith and remain calm knowing we always have you. Grant us the faith to move mountains. In Jesus name we pray Amen.



Dear Heavenly Father, help us to find who we are in you. To not be moved by our own selfish desires but to seek to glorify your Kingdom with our works. May we humbly seek and find you. Grant us the grace to walk in your purpose for our lives. In Jesus name we pray Amen. 


Dear Heavenly Father, strengthen our marriage so that we may resist the temptation that comes our way. Give us the desire to live in obedience to you and your word. Guide us and keep us on your righteous path for our lives. In Jesus name we pray Amen. 

Here are a few of my favorite bible study resources. This post contains some affiliate links for your convenience (meaning if you make a purchase after clicking a link, I will earn a small commission, but it won't cost you anything)! Thank you so much for your support as this helps me afford the expenses of my online ministry.

  • War Room Movie, this movie is so inspirational definitely a must see movie
  • Kingdom Woman, a great foundation book for woman that is bible based.
  • Fervent a great book for understanding the importance of prayer in every aspect of life.
  • Faith Journal, my go to for bible study, prayer, and all things faith related

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