Chellbee Johnson: Uplifting Faith Through Poetry & Inspiring Christian Stationery


Dear Bold Believer Inspiring Christian Stationery (formerly Chellbee Christian Stationery)

Hey Bold Believer Bestie! You may know me from sharing my faith journey here and on But there's a story behind the Bible verse cards you love so much, and it all started with fear.

Fear for My Son's Future It was July 2020. With the news filled with George Floyd's tragic story, fear gripped me as I learned I was having a boy. Visions of him facing similar dangers flashed in my mind. Could I live a life consumed by this fear?

I knew I needed something stronger. My faith was the answer. But how could I keep God's promises close when I couldn't always carry a Bible?

Inspiration struck! We all carry planners, journals, or notebooks. What if a small notecard held the power of scripture? The idea for Bible verse cards was born!

This wasn't just about me. Remember back in 2019? My friend was struggling with anxiety and suicidal thoughts. Prayer and scripture were my weapons for her. I even shared a prayer I wrote, and guess what? She said, "You should sell these!"

The Holy Spirit, it seemed, had bigger plans. Fall 2020 saw the relaunch of my business, not just a blog, but a place to equip women with the most powerful tool: God's promises.

From Fear to Faith-Filled Products Every Chellbee stationery product is an extension of that desire – a reminder to keep you close to God, no matter where life takes you.

This journey started with fear, but it led me to create tools that empower your faith. Let's walk this path together, Bold Believer Bestie!

P.S. Check out our latest Bible verse card collection – it might be the perfect reminder you need today!


Dear Bold Believer Founder, Chellbee Johnson

Chellbee Johnson craved to be seen and heard. Growing up in Compton under the care of a single mother, she felt invisible. This longing for validation pushed her towards worldly success and a relentless pursuit of perfection.

Corporate America became Chellbee's battleground. When she failed to achieve her goals, the world she built came crashing down. Devastated and lost, Chellbee found refuge in the unlikeliest place – her faith. Turning to Christ, she discovered a love that transcended all worldly desires. This newfound purpose ignited a passion to empower other women to chase after the unwavering love and strength found in the Word of God.

Chellbee's writing and YouTube channel are testaments to her transformation. Her vulnerability and honesty resonate with Christian women facing similar struggles. Through her powerful words and inspirational message, Chellbee guides women towards a deeper connection with God, reminding them of the hope and healing found in Christ.

Chellbee's co-founded initiative, Bible Beauty Co., provides a safe space for women to explore their faith through curated Christian resources created by diverse women. Her poetry further amplifies her message, offering a raw and relatable portrayal of the challenges and triumphs of Christian women.

Published Books by Chellbee Johnson: