Proverbs 31 Woman Routine for Working Moms

Proverbs 31 Woman Routine for Working Moms

In December of 2019 I returned to work full time, I will never forget it. Rose was just 18 months and still breastfeeding. She absolutely refused to take breastmilk from a bottle or sippy cup.

So, with offer in hand my husband and I decided we would have to wean her cold turkey. It was a rough few days but it worked.

Motherhood is difficult. You are constantly making decisions, prioritizing, re-prioritizing.

We are all just doing are best to give our children a better life than we had. Hoping the decisions, we make are the right ones.

Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Give her of the fruit of her hands, and let her works praise her in the gates. Proverbs 31:30-31


By no means have I mastered motherhood and working full time. But I do have a few tips that have helped me manage being a wife, mom of two, and entrepreneur while working full time.

Today I am sharing 3 simple tips to help you create a Proverbs 31 Woman Routine perfect for busy moms.

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Proverbs 31 Woman Routine for Working Moms

Plan ahead

I know your busy but believe me when I tell you. You do not have time not to have a plan. You can use a planner - I use a Happy Planner (I love it!), planner app, or a digital calendar.

Here are a few tips I use to prepare each Sunday for the upcoming week:

  • Do a planner reset which typically consist of writing my to do list and meetings/appointments.
  • Create a meal plan.
  • Do laundry and pick out clothes for the week for the entire family.

Study the word

Make time to study the word because you need it. I need the encouragement and wisdom that lives in the word. I need the redemption and life that lives in the word. So do you.

Create a routine around studying the word and stick with it. I find it easier to dedicate a certain number of days to bible study. This will give you the flexibility and allow you the opportunity to celebrate the small wins that come with consistency.

Make time for memories

Make time for memories. I don't mean that family photo shoot you've been planning for weeks or the blowout birthday party.

I mean take 5 minutes away from the show your binge watching, chore, or work you're doing to have a pillow fight or tickle fest with your little ones. These moments are the moments your kids will remember forever.

My schedule is jam pack most days and I keep the kids on a fairly strict routine. But Rose still sees me as a fun mom because I make time for memories.

You may find these Bible Study Tips blog post helpful when it comes to ideas on how to start your morning with Jesus.

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