Bible Study Tips for Beginners

Bible Study Tips for Beginners

I am so excited to share my Bible Study Tips for Beginners {from a Beginner} YouTube video! Thank you for the warm welcome back to YouTube - you are so amazing. I was quite literally terrified about returning to YouTube and talking about my faith.

It is one thing to write about it. But it is another to sit in front of the camera and talk to you. But you have made it so easy for me to be open and honest about what I’m going through. Your likes, subscribes, shares, emails, and comments truly keep me going on the tough days.

My channel and blog would be nothing without you. So, I wanted to just take a moment to send you the biggest hug and all the love *I’m currently tearing up, so let’s move on*.

If you would prefer listening to reading, then you may want to consider trying Audible. It is a great way to listen to books, if you use my link, you get 2 free audiobooks when you sign up for the 30-day free trial.


PART 1: How to Bible Journal the S.O.A.P. Method for Beginners Guide

PART 2: Bible Study Tips for Beginners {from a Beginner}

PART 3: How to get Consistent with Bible Study

PART 4: Verse Mapping for Beginners

PART 5: How to Color Code and Highlight your Bible

PART 6: Bible Study for Women Series

I have been working hard to stay consistent in my spiritual journey. My daily bible study routine has been the focus of my strengthening my relationship with Jesus.

Slowly but surely, I have learned quite a bit about what to do and what not to do when bible studying as a beginner. Which inspired me to share this video with you today! If you enjoy this video and find it helpful, please subscribe to my YouTube channel.


4 Bible Study Tips for Beginners {from a Beginner}


1. Make Bible Study apart of your daily routine.

This tip is vital, I promise you. If you don’t do anything else, do this! Create a morning or evening routine that is centered around bible study.

Bible studying in the morning is so rewarding because throughout the day you know it is already done. Whenever you decide to bible study - whether it is morning or evening - you need to stick with it.

2. Read a book, and not a verse. 

Choose a book in the Bible that interests you and start reading. Reading one book at a time is the best way to get an understanding of what you're reading. Focus on reading the entire book from beginning to end.

I know it can be tempting to skip around but think about it like this. When you read a novel do you read chapter 1 and then skip to chapter 15. No, right because you would be completely lost about what is happening in the novel.

Don’t worry you don’t have to read from Genesis to Revelation. At the very least just read it book by book.

I completely understand if you want to read different reading plans for encouragement or inspiration. Because from time to time you may need some biblical understanding for peace of mind.

Just recognize that reading a bible plan that skips from bible book to bible book is great for inspiration. But inspirational bible reading doesn’t always equal understanding what you read in the bible. Context is everything.

Watch the Bible Study Tips for Beginners {from a Beginner} full video now!

3. Implement a bible study system and write it down.

A bible study system can consist of bible mapping, bible highlighting, and so. Basically, a bible study system will help you quickly identify what you have read based on the markings or highlighting.

The bible study system you use is up to you, but it should be simple and effective. It should make it possible for you to easily see at a glance scripture you want to remember, questions you had, and things that you wanted to know more about.

Whatever bible study system you decide on be sure to write it down - index cards are a great way to do this. You can use your bible study system notecard as a bookmark. Because it is important to keep it handy while reading your bible.


4. Take notes on what you've read.

Reflecting on your bible study is powerful. Reading without reflecting is not helpful. So be sure to take the time to reflect after you have read your bible.

Personally, I enjoy using the soap method to reflect on what I have read. This is why I love my Faith Journal - it helps give me clarity and holds me accountable.

Whether you use my Faith Journal or a notebook. Writing about what you have read will help you dissect your reading and gain a better understanding. Writing about your bible study will also help you to remember what you read.

Journaling is a great way to express your thoughts, gratitude, and lessons. As you begin your spiritual journey dedicating time to expressing your feelings is an important part of spiritual growth.

3 Journal Prompts for Beginner Christians
1 - What does it mean to you to be a Christian (in at least 7 points)?
2 - What are 3 areas you would like to improve in your spiritual life in 2018?
3 - What burdens are you currently carrying that you needs God's help to relieve?

Watch the Journal Prompts for Beginner Christians Full Video Here.

Alright, this was way longer than I planned. But I hope you found my four bible study tips for beginners helpful. 

  • Jesus Bible Artist Edition ESV
  • Study Bible, I prefer the English Standard Version
  • Pew Bible, I like to keep it simple since I don't take notes in my bible.
  • Faith Journal, my go-to for bible study, prayer, and all things faith-related
  • War Room Movie, this movie is so inspirational definitely a must-see movie.
  • Kingdom Woman, a great foundation book for women that is bible-based.

I hope that this post has encouraged you to bible study because you don't need to be an expert! These are my favorite bible study resources for beginners! This post contains some affiliate links for your convenience (meaning if you make a purchase after clicking a link, I will earn a small commission, but it won't cost you anything)! Thank you so much for your support as this helps me afford the expenses of my online ministry.