How to Bible Journal the S.O.A.P. Method for Beginners Guide

How to Bible Journal the S.O.A.P. Method for Beginners Guide

Bible Journal with the SOAP Method is a great way to study the bible as a beginner. As a beginner Christian, seeking to create a relationship with Christ I am here to help you.


If you follow me on Instagram, you've seen photos of my Bible journaling. So, you know I don’t have it all together and, but I have learned a lot using the SOAP method.


I've been enjoying learning more about the word through Bible Journaling. Being a beginner, I know I am not the only person who's a believer but still working on building a better relationship with Christ.


I’m hoping my experience will encourage you no matter where you are starting in your journey. Hopefully these tips and printable will make your journey easier. So far, I've been consistent with Bible Journaling I've only missed one day thus far.


I've just been enjoying this whole journey. I learned something new every time I read the Bible and I take something different from it every time I read it. My biggest takeaway from Bible Journaling is that reading the Bible is more rewarding when you begin to study and read the bible outside of worship service.


Random Story 

I feel so uplifted because I finally completed reading the entire book of Matthew from beginning to end. I have been trying to read the book of Matthews since the age of 11 years old. Years ago, while visiting a church the preacher spoke to me after the sermon and told me I needed to read Matthews.


Don’t get me wrong I definitely tried but I just didn't understand what I was reading. But now as an adult years later with my English Standard Version Bible I'm proud to say I'm done reading the book of Matthews. I’m sorry old school Bible folk I just can’t get down with the Kings James version, believe me I tried.



PART 1: How to Bible Journal the S.O.A.P. Method for Beginners Guide

PART 2: Bible Study Tips for Beginners {from a Beginner}

PART 3: How to get Consistent with Bible Study

PART 4: Verse Mapping for Beginners

PART 5: How to Color Code and Highlight your Bible

PART 6: Bible Study for Women Series


Every morning after having breakfast I would read my Bible passage for the day usually 1 or 2 versus and then journal. The process of Bible journaling has been therapeutic. It is an opportunity to learn something new.

While also taking the time to reflect on your thoughts about what you've read. Reflection is the most powerful part. The process has really helped me develop a better prayer life.

How to Bible Journal for Beginners Guide

As far as where to start in the Bible it is completely up to you. You can start with a book that speaks to you or if there is an issue that bothering you search the term and start with the verse that speaks to you. The key to a powerful Bible Journal experience is starting where your heart leads you. I'm personally not into the artsy Bible Journal, although I don’t see anything wrong with it. It is not my style; I like to keep it simple and easy. The soap method is a simple method for gaining your own understanding of the Bible.

The S.O.A.P. Method

Scripture: Read however many scriptures you would like. Once you are finished choosing 2-3 verses that speak to you and write them down in your journal.


Observations: Based on what you read, what were your observations, what was happening, what was the sentiments. You don't need to be technical, using scriptures to explain. Simply summarize the key things that occurred. What about the scripture you read stood out to you?

Application: How does what you read apply to your life? What lessons can you take away? How does what your read still apply to today's times and environment? How did it make you feel? This is also a good place to write any questions you have about what you read.


Pray (or Kneel): Based on what you read, your observations, and applications how do you feel. What do you want to tell God as a result, what do you want to thank him for as a result of what you read, what do you need his help with.

How to Create a Bible Study Legend

  • Use different color pens for each sections
  • Write the title of each section
  • Use certain image for each section
  • Make sure you indicate your questions with a different color, image, or title
  • Use the printable provided (which the sections are indicated)
  • The choice is yours, but whatever you choose. Stay consistent and write you legend in the front of your Bible journal.

Beginners Guide to Bible Journal 

If you are Bible journaling for the first time here are my personal recommendation.

  • Purchase a Bible (in the text you prefer) skim it before purchasing and make sure it is easy to read. If you can I would recommend purchasing a Study Bible, you can use it to reference the notes and see the opinions in the fore note. I have both and I personally enjoy drawing my own understand. But it is nice to read the notes and see what the fore note state.
  • Purchase highlighters, sticky tabs, colored ink pens, and a journal.
  • Do it first thing in the morning or at night. Grab a cup of coffee, tea, or cocoa and get cozy with your books.
  • Make it a part of your daily routine. Plan for at least 15-25 minutes of just quiet time.
  • You can read as many or as few passages as you would like.
  • There are no rules! So, make it your own.

Bible Journal Resources 

I hope that this post has encouraged you to bible study, because you don't need to be an expert! These are my favorite bible study resources for beginners! This post contains some affiliate links for your convenience (meaning if you make a purchase after clicking a link I will earn a small commission, but it won't cost you anything)! Thank you so much for your support as this helps me afford the expenses of my online ministry. 

  1. Bible, ESV Black Bible
  2. Faith Journal
  3. Study Bible, The ESV Study Bible
  4. Colored Pens, Ballpoint Pens, Assorted Colors
  5. War Room Movie, War Room: Prayer Is a Powerful Weapon

Bible Journal for your Prayer Life 

One of the greatest benefits of the Bible journal process is how much it has shaped and helped me create a prayer life. A prayer life is so important to your faith. I have never been extremely confident in my ability to pray which is why I don’t do it aloud.


But Bible journaling has helped my confidence. Writing your prayers down is powerful. I can honestly say I didn't expect to gain this much from this experience. Not that I was skeptical, but I just thought it seemed simple and didn’t realize how I would leave this process feeling empowered.