So if that's you make sure you take a minute and join the tribe. Don't worry I won't overload you with useless emails. I most def won't overload your inbox - who has that kind of time. But I will try to send you 2-3 emails a month with new blog content, inspiration, and asking you for content ideas.
PART 1: How to Bible Journal the S.O.A.P. Method for Beginners Guide
PART 2: Bible Study Tips for Beginners {from a Beginner}
PART 3: How to get Consistent with Bible Study
PART 4: Verse Mapping for Beginners
PART 5: How to Color Code and Highlight your Bible
PART 6: Bible Study for Women Series
If you enjoy this post, you may find these bible study blog posts helpful when it comes to bible study for beginners.
- Woman you are set Free Journal - Join the 31 day Challenge journey of journaling and prayer to align your faith and purpose with the will of God
- Bible Study Tips for Beginners from a Beginner
- How to Dig Deeper during Bible Study
- How to Color Code your Bible
Okay, that went on longer than I intended. I think I've gotten way too comfortable ranting to you. But, what the heck. Hopefully, you like it or will grow to enjoy it *fingers crossed*.
Today I'm sharing detailed tips plus a video tutorial on how to use verse mapping during your bible study. I have been using the verse mapping bible study method for almost 2 years.
Verse mapping is helpful if you are a bible study beginner looking for a way to take notes inside of your bible. Now on to the real reason you came here...
What is verse mapping?
Verse mapping is a bible marking system used to notate certain things during your bible reading. Verse mapping is only helpful if you are consistent with the markings. Verse mapping is easier if you actively make notations while you are reading.
I feel like that was a really wordy description. This may be one of those methods that are just easier to demonstrate than explain.
If you agree, watch the Bible Verse Mapping video now!
Who is verse mapping a good fit for?
Verse mapping is a good fit for anyone who studies the bible. If you like to look back at your bible to simply admire your past bible reading - then this is def for you.
If you have not already, you may want to consider trying Audible. This is a great way to listen to your books - including the ESV Study Bible - without having to read page by page. If you use my link you get 2 free audiobooks when you sign up for the 30 day free trial.
Why you should give verse mapping a try?
You should give verse mapping a try if you like the idea of being able to easily reference your past thoughts. If nothing else you will like being able to quickly find verses that stood out to you or questions that you had.
You should give verse mapping a try if you enjoy discussing your bible study with others. You will find that verse mapping acts as a notation summary of what you have read.
Beginners Guide to Verse Mapping
Once you've selected the verses you are going to read.
- Circle- words you want to define. Look up the definition and translation.
- Wavy line- any text that you want to better understand. Researching related verses, people, places, and context. A study bible or online commentary will help you with finding other related bible verses.
- Highlight- what stands out.
- Box- verse your want to memorize.
- Ellipsis- summarize what you learned and how it applies to your life.
Bible Study Resources
- Bible, The Jesus Bible Leathersoft
- Gel Bible Highlighters Assorted Colors
- Study Bible, The ESV Study Bible
- Faith Journal
I hope that this post has encouraged you to bible study because you don't need to be an expert! This post contains some affiliate links for your convenience (if you make a purchase after clicking a link I will earn a small commission, but it won't cost you anything)! Thank you so much for your support as this helps me afford the expenses of my online ministry.